Friday, April 25, 2008

Strange comments

One thing I have noticed lately from my mom is she keeps making these comments about things she notices like she remembers but I know it is not the case. For example, we will be driving down the road and she will see someone walking and say "That man is always walking there at this time", well, seeing how we usually don't go down that street and at that time, I know it is the first time she has seen that man walking there. I noticed it first one day we went to the park, I usually ask her if she wants to go walking when I go running and she saw two older ladies walking and said the same thing "those ladies are always walking here at this time" and that time I thought maybe she did remember as we usually go around the same time to the same park, and maybe I just had not seen the ladies before. But then I did notice she started making the same comments regardless of where we were and who she saw. I wonder if it is a way for her to tell herself she does remember things. I, of course, don't comment on it or tell her that is not the case...

Another comment she made was the other night, she said she has been hearing the Ave Maria at night, like a chorus singing it. Again, I have not contradicted her but rather told her maybe it was the neighbors in the back playing some music that sounded like it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

George, I can relate to "Strange Comments". As with my Father who has been suffering through Dementia for many year, I have noticed the similar comments. I spent some time with him this past weekend and while driving he said that he is always behind the car that was in front of us while were driving down I-20. I asked him how he knew and he recognized the car tag number. He is constantly commenting that he has been somewhere before when we know it is his first time (example would be when we go to a new restaurant). My Dad's long-term memory is excellent which is how I engage him in conversation. It's the short-term memory that is failing him. Tiffany gave me a present for Christmas that includes a binder for me to collect photos of my Dad and me. It also included a small MP3 recorder/player that I used this weekend to capture the stories that I have heard many, many times, but now I have some of them recorded in his voice. By the way he did not even know that I was recording him. It's priceless. Back to the "Strange Comments"... I find myself going along with the comments as this keeps the peace. Sometimes I have to laugh inside... and I truly believe that one reason for this is God has brought me closer to my Mom.